The Interview Dillema
After many days and nights of strategic planning and careful execution (some might call it Chuzpa, stubborn or even plain dumb) the interview for this fab new job is coming up. Passed the recruiter with the silver hair ("sorry darling you need more LOCAL experience"), the ever so busy assistant and the always full schedule of the big boss and now its time to impress and be brilliant yet humble, friendly yet professional. Time to give your best shot. Alas, the boss is a conservative guy, he has the cross and manners to show for it, he's got a wall full of photos of well groomed kids and smiling wife in a non-revealing attire, he is a the great American Family Man, and he is about to ask you about yours. Hmmm, problemo. I don't have kids (a small dog doesn't count with traditional types), my wife is a husband and I do not go to PTA meetings. Forget about a favorite sports team (unless you count Project Runway) or trips to Disney Land (again, gay days doesn't count). If I tell him about my beloved husband and summers in Fire Island Pines I will most probably get tossed out with a nod. Nothing too overt, nothing too direct, but tossed out just as well. If I lie, well that's a bad start for a long term relationship. I know that I do well on this job, I know that once I get in the homo-factor will not matter anymore, but that first interview is a what poets call "a conundrum". What shall I do?