Disney Gay Days

Take thousands of men, eager, fit and ready, put them in one fantasy enclave for a long weekend, and you are in Gay Days. The turnpike to Orlando took us from the real world, where people have kids and beer bellies and schedules to a place where abs and shiny white smiles are the norm. Beautiful men of all shapes and colors roamed the parks and the hotel halls. Four days of non stop parties, sun and music. It was my first time in Disney and the first major circuit party. Our group became close and connected, each found his mate/s and all shared a forming experience. I felt free, happy, sexy. New friendships were forged under the waves of Typhoon Lagoon (the most amazing water park party I ever saw), in the scary seats of the Rock and Roller-Coaster at the MGM park, at the Donna Summers concert. It felt GREAT to be gay . I was never as free in my life. The group we formed there is meeting again soon at the NYC Pride. Can't wait.


Anonymous said…
ABS have NEVER been the norm, especially in gay society. You need to get out more!
Anonymous said…
wow dude your so sexy i would like to have you with me too
Anonymous said…
your sooo sexy! im horney!!=)

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